
Monday, December 17, 2012

Can I be a Stay at Home Mom?

You little one is almost 1 year old which means you will be back to work. The days of spending countless hours caring for your baby is over. You will begin the daily routine of waking up, getting your morning 'Joe' (if you are like me who can't function without it) getting ready and making that mad dash out the door. But the difference now is you will be getting you little one ready and out the door with a dash to daycare before you continue you journey to work.

Some people are excited to return to work, to re-enter the 'real' world as some put it. While others dream to stay at home to care for their little ones. You can make that dream possible by crunching those numbers to determine what you need to stay home by using the stay at home calculator created by Today's Parent.

Before making this important decision you must ask yourself 3 questions:
1. Can you afford to leave behind your job?
2. Can your family manage without your contribution?
3. Can you reduce your household spending by the amount you bring in?

If you answered yes to all 3 questions then this calculator is the first step to making your stay at home dream a reality.


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