
Friday, February 15, 2013

Vegetables and Toddlers!!

Getting a toddler to eat their vegetables could be difficult to near impossible at times. This is where your creativity and your superior undercover skills in concealing the greens comes into play to get your kids to eat those pesky little things that are packed full of key vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support healthy growth.

Some toddlers love vegetables and others won't open their mouth for them if their life depended on it. When I first started to serve vegetables to my girls,  I would use chicken broth or a little bit of salt to improve the taste. Apart from boiled and mashed vegetables, you can give your toddler fresh vegetable juices. This is much healthier than boiled vegetables since all the vitamins and useful nutrients are preserved. Try to stay away from canned vegetables. These are usually marinated or conserved using chemical substances.

Children are captivated and intrigued with anything colourful, and what they see on their plate is no exception. Providing an array of colorful vegetables will not only ensure your toddler gets the nutrients they need but also engage them in the process. You might find it easier to convince your toddler to eat certain vegetables within these color groups than those you have been serving.

Red Vegetables
If your toddler likes the sweet taste of fruits but not vegetables there are sweet ones that they may be willing to try. Sweet red bell peppers supplies a good amount of vitamin C and other nutrients. Steam the peppers until they are soft and offer them chopped or pureed into a soup. Tomatoes, technically fruits, generally accepted by toddlers and can count toward their daily vegetable requirement.

Orange Vegetable
Several orange vegetables can be sweetened with cinnamon or honey to encourage your toddler to eat them. Orange vegetables are a healthy source of vitamin A. Steam cooked pumpkin, sweet potatoes or carrots until soft. Then drizzle them with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon. Butternut squash is also another orange option that can be sweetened to entice your child to eat it.

Yellow Vegetable
Although a favourite amongst most toddlers, corn is not the only yellow vegetable that are nutritious and sweet tasting. Chop sweet yellow bell peppers into pasta sauce or puree them as a nutritious soup. Bake yellow summer squash with cinnamon and honey. Add shredded yellow squash to bread and muffin recipes. Yellow tomatoes are an additional option.

Green Vegetables
Definitely not a favourite amongst many toddlers. Broccoli and brussel sprouts are probably the most difficult vegetables to serve to your children. If your child won't eat broccoli or brussel sprouts they can get similar nutritional benefits from green beans and peas. Cucumbers or spinach are also healthy green vegetables your toddler may willingly try.

Toddlers and vegetables aren't the best of friends but they can learn to tolerate each other if brought together in a fun and colourful presentation or slipped into a favourite meal. Capturing your child's attention and engaging them in the process is the key to making vegetables a part of each meal.

Good Luck!


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