
Friday, January 11, 2013

Tips on Baking with a Toddler

Do you remember your first experience in the kitchen? Maybe it was standing on a chair helping your mother by stirring with a wooden spoon or measuring the ingredients for a cake. Regardless of what you were doing, it is something that has resonated with you to this day. Over the past little while, I have tried to make it a weekly activity to bake with Samantha. It started a bit shaky with Samantha having to try everything she was mixing including the flour. But we have progressed and what used to be an activity I could live without has turned into a fun experience for both of us.

Baking and cooking at home with the kids is a great way to get them involved and have them help you in the kitchen. Get out the aprons, mixing bowls and wooden spoons - and get cooking! Here are a few tips to baking with your toddler:

  • Start with simple things and once you have figured out that you can move on with the more complex recipes
  • Use a metal or plastic mixing bowl and metal or silicone baking dishes
  • Accept that your toddlers attention span isn't too long and may tire of baking before the food is in the oven. If this happens, either take a break or power through on your own while s/he is occupied with another activity
  • Listen to music while you cook. A little karaoke is so much fun!!!
  • Designate a place for your toddler while you open the oven
  • Put your toddler on a chair in front of the sink to help you wash the dishes while your cake/cookies are in the oven.
The aroma, warmth and collaboration all together creates those lasting and loving memories. Now you can create the memories your mother did with you with your own children.


1 comment:

  1. Great ideas! Thanks for the inspiration! WE love baking with our toddler!
