
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Resolution for Parents with Toddlers

The beginning of the year is a great time to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly of the years past. Over the past year, I have witnessed my two little angels grow into their own unique personalities. It's hard to believe how quickly time passes and how fast children grow and mature.

Loving and nurturing our children is only the beginning. Parenting also involves the dreaded d word - discipline. I decided, this year, that I would not only create my own new years resolution but a short realistic list as a parent.

  1. Continue to introduce healthy eating habits: I will focus on quality not quantity this year. Samantha, my eldest, is not a fan of eating making meal time a struggle.  I am going to try to bring the fun back to meal time
  2. Keep kids active: Kids that are active sleep better, are happier, build good appetites and are more likely to be active as adults
  3. Use basic principles to discipline: I am going to try to be the teacher as opposed to the dictator
  4. Encourage kids to ask questions: Encouraging exploration helps to educate the child about things around them that peaks their curiosity and helps them make wonderful discoveries
  5. Cherish every moment: Life moves too fast and we forget to cherish and hold onto the little things in life. Time is something we can't get back.

Like with anything, today turns into tomorrow which turns into next year. So whether you made a pack to join a gym, start a diet, or ask your boss for that raise lets make it all happen this year. Yeah to 2013!!!!!!


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